Friday, November 11, 2005

New Website for Pakistan emergency efforts

As Pakistan slowly moves to the brink of a second disaster. a new website has been launched to cordinate emrgency relief efforts for the millions of Pakistanis affected by the earthquake. It is called RISE Relief and Information Systems for Earthquakes This could be a huge milestone in bringing about the long term reconstruction of Pakistan.

This is a great means of communicating and cordinating the efforts of government, army, donors and NGOs working in the field. More than 4000 villages have been effected and close 80000 people have died.

World Vision says there are 3 million people sleeping in the open and 150000 people who have still to be reached by the Aid agencies. A second disaster in the making unless more is done – now

NATO has lifted over 1200 tons of supplies. These include thousands of tents, stoves and blankets necessary to protect the survivors from the cold.

In a recent UN Press release - Some of the challenges faced are - Approximately 30,000 square kilometres of high-altitude terrain, with many roads destroyed, and worsening weather conditions. Other infrastructure has also been severely damaged or destroyed, including hospitals, schools, and water and sanitation networks.

Shelter remains the overriding priority - current world stocks of tents will not meet needs. Thousands more winterized tents and blankets are required urgently. Local stocks in Pakistan have been exhausted, but production is being increased in other countries.

With 62,000 tents already delivered, around 200,000 tents will be in country by the start of the winter.

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