Thursday, November 10, 2005

Illegal Business Practices

A Protestant minister, his wife and her brother have been sentenced to three years in prison for printing copies of the Bible and other Christian publications.

China jails three for illegally printing Bibles

"In atheist China, printing of Bibles and other religious publications need special approval from the State Bureau of Religious Affairs. Bibles cannot be openly bought at bookshops in a country long criticized overseas for intolerance of religion."

The Chinese are allowed to worship at official churches approved by the state. However they crack down on house churches and wayward relegious groups. China is a growing super power and yet the freedom of the people is limited to the edicts of the state. Is this practice for the best??

President Bush in a meeting with Dalai Lama said he would raise religious freedom as an issue when he meets with Chinese President Hu Jintao.

"I will continue to remind President Hu about, for example, my personal faith and the belief that people should be allowed to worship freely," he told a round table of Asian journalists on Tuesday. "And a vibrant, whole society is one that recognizes that certain freedoms are inherent and need to be part of a complete society."

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