Monday, November 14, 2005

New Orleans Struggling

New Orleans is certainly going to take a long time before it returns to normal. The down town business district area will probably come up first. The city functions largely on tourist revenue. So I am sure that will be their priority.

Many residents have not been able to return to their homes, because the electricity and water supply is still not restored. Many are still staying back in the places they fled to. It is a really sad story. They are unable to estimate the extent of damages and how to access the same. So it will take some time.

New Orleans Is Still Grappling With the Basics of Rebuilding - New York Times

Scott Cowen, the president of Tulane University said "It may take three to five years to really build the model city we all aspire for New Orleans to be."

Rubenstein Brothers, a clothing store on Canal Street for 81 years, opened to great fanfare last month, yet by midafternoon that day its clerks, well dressed and standing smartly at attention, had nothing to do.

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