Friday, November 04, 2005

Addressing Hunger and Poverty

Today we have approximately over 6 billion people in this world. It is interesting to note in the graph that in developed countries the population growth has been fixed at a very slow growth rate while in the less developed countries population growth is going out of control. In Africa for instance every female has on an average of 6 children. However more than 1/6th of the world even today lives in extreme poverty and are plagued by diseases. AIDS and Malaria play havoc on their lives and they are left with no fresh water or food to eat. They live on less than $1 a day. Rising temperatures, falling water tables and oil crisis are some of the world problems today. Jeffrey Sachs and Lester brown look at how to address these issues in the wake of the growing population changes in science and technology.

Listen here to NPR broadcast

What is real poverty??

Amwerican poor are not part of the mainstream life and suffer from risks therefrom. However there are some in the world today who struggle for survivival everyday. Unsafe water, pollution from very poor living conditions, and undernorishment. Those are the people living in extreme poverty. 20,000 people die everyday because of extreme poverty.

What are the effects of Global warming?

Rise in temperatures reduces the yield of crops. Drought in Malawi is a signal of man made climate changes.

What causes falling Water Tables ?

We need 4 liters a day however the food we consume requires 2000 liters per day.
Population growth most in places with falling water tables.

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