Sunday, October 03, 2021



Children find it easy to appreciate the simple things in life where grownups often are preoccupied with burdens of life that keep them from seeing things the same way. 

Appreciation spurs us to do more and care more for those we serve. 

Loving words said with a smiling face can often go a long way in building relationships of trust. 

Thursday, September 30, 2021


 Life is not waiting for the winds to change 

But it is learning to adjust your sails.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Balloons are like Happiness

One day a Professor in his class gives a balloon to every student. He instructs  them to inflate it, write their name on it, and throw it in the Auditorium. Then he tells them to find their balloon with their name on it within five minutes. A frantic search ensues, however no one finds their balloon.

 The professor tells the students to take the first balloon they find and hand it to the person whose name was written on it. Surprisingly within five minutes everyone has their own balloon.

The Professor says to the students, “These balloons are like happiness. If everyone is focused on looking for their own happiness, they will never find it. However if they help other people find their happiness, in doing so they will find their own. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

 The ordinary and simple things in life can bring great happiness.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

What is the key to Happiness?

 As they say Gratitude is the best Attitude. 

If we practice Gratitude 

We will find Happiness 

Bubbling up within us.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Don’t take things Personally

Find your passion and put it into action.

Think Outside the Box

In the Boston Marathon in 1967, there was only one registered woman runner. At that time it was considered as a race only for men. Katherine Switzer decided to run and blaze a trail for all women in the years to come. During the race she was physically abused and attacked by some men. But her passion for running and her vision for the future of women marathon runners made her a historical legend for the ages.

Don’t take things Personally

As children we used to sing a long, “Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” It takes a certain amount of toughness to add value to yourself. Albert Einstein was a slow learner as a child but through persistence he is considered one of the most brilliant men in our life time.

Friday, March 05, 2021

 Work during Four Seasons of a Vineyard

The work in a Vineyard follows a 4 season cycle. During winter the main work is hand pruning the vine. The branches that will yield fruit are determined laying the foundation for the harvest and the others are cut off. Come Spring the shoots begin to grow, the leaves begin to show, the buds break, the vines are very sensitive and have to be protected from vagaries of the weather. By the end of Spring the vines begin to bloom. By summer the soil needs to broken into and fertilized. The grapes slowly turn into deeper shades of red and sweeten under the warm summer sun. By the end of summer the grape picking season starts. As Autumn begins the grapes are ready to be harvested. After collecting the grapes a calm descends and the vines rest.