Saturday, March 14, 2020

Stay home and slow down the spread of Corona Virus

Stay home and slow down the Corona Virus

The best way to fight the Corona Virus spread is focus on 4 key areas
(World Health Organization)

1. Prepare and be ready
2. Detect, Protect and treat
3. Reduce transmission
4. Innovate and Learn

What protective measures can we take?
1. Cleaning hands frequently
2. Avoid touching eyes, mouth and nose.
3. Change out of clothes worn in public places.
4. Wear fresh set of clothes every day.
5. Catch up over the phone or conference calls on Google/Skype.
6. Avoid touching metallic surfaces without Clorox wiping it down.

 Do not panic but pray, meditate, enjoy your family or group of friends you can rely on if you get sick.
To make a conscious effort to stay away from close contact with people and hopefully reduce transmission of the virus to or from the people.

Why Social Distancing?
The coronavirus is coming at an exponential speed: gradually, and then suddenly. It’s a matter of days. Maybe a week or two. To prevent the healthcare system from being overwhelmed social distancing will slow down this pandemic.

What is the worst case when the pandemic hits its peak? 

Healthcare systems will be overwhelmed. Fellow citizens will be treated in the hallways. Exhausted healthcare workers will break down. Some of them will die.They will have to decide which patient gets the oxygen and which one dies. 

Plan of Action?

Make sure you have enough food to tide over the time when you are sick. Stay home and try to slow down the virus by social distancing. 

Remember if we all come together we shall overcome this virus and not be at its mercy.

The link goes to an article with lots of charts, data and models with plenty of sources:
  • How many cases of coronavirus will there be in your area?
  • What will happen when these cases materialize?
  • What should you do?
  • When?